Tue 11/07/2023 - Sun 16/07/2023Beschreibung:
Deepening the spiritual and ecological self: using practices of Authentic and Creative Movement in the studio and in nature
The Ten Icons of the Buffalo is a series of pictorial images accompanied by philosophy created in the Zen Buddhist tradition to orient and indicate a developmental path to the creative and spiritual self. The buffalo, a sacred animal in different Asian cultures and within traditional texts, is often seen as a vehicle of knowledge and understanding associated with personal and spiritual growth.
Elements of Authentic Movement, Creative Movement, meditation, dance, visual art and creative writing are the practices that will indicatea path towards what is known as“ Awakening”. We awaken to an ordinary consciousness every day. The sense of awakening here is opening to a more spacious inner attitude and inner listening one’s own life, in relationship to others and to nature.
What are the awakening pathways for change or transformation that this journey can offer?
Meditations, writings and visual art will be integrated with stillness, movement and dance practices. The power of nature, sound and music, as well as silence, will help us on our way through the icons to a more profound depth of knowing.
During the 4 and a half day retreat we will work within the order of the Icons: from the first: Searching for the Buffalo to the tenth: Entering the Marketplace.
We will experience and discover movement and meditations which will bring us to deepen awareness of our natural self.
The retreat begins July 11 at 3.00 p.m and ends July 16 at 2.00 p.m.
The Retreat is for whom?
It is not necessary that people interested in this work have had much movement experience. What is asked for is that a path of self – knowledge has begun through spiritual /movement traditions or personal therapy. The participant comes with a beginner’s mind, curiosity and respect for oneself and others, courage to confront moments of “not knowing”. The course is developed and conceived for one’s own personal growth. The teachings can be applied in different professional areas such as the helping professions(mental/ physical), education, rehabilitation, physical health therapists.
Marcia Plevin, American DMT-BC-DMT, member and supervisor of APID, psychologist, teacher and supervisor DMT training Art Therapy Italiana, Program director Chinese Inspirees Creative Movement program, member of the DMT faculty, Beijng, Co-founder of the Association Movimento Creativo method Garcia-Plevin. A member of a Vipassana Buddhist sangha for many years. Author of numerous articles in specialised journals of dance movement therapy and Authentic Movement. A member of the Faculty, Discipline of Authentic Movement, Circles of Four
For those interested who have not worked with M. Plevin before a zoom or skype interview is requested. Please call or write for the interview.
Contact Info and registration: marciaplevin@gmail.com tel. 0039 3477143878
Cost of Retreat – 420 euro – Regular Registration
Early Bird Registration with deposit of 70 euro to Kushi-Ling
the cost of Retreat becomes 400 euro ( on or before 31 March)
A deposit of 70 euro is requested as well, after the 31 of May.
Members of ADTA, APID, EADMT and participants who have attended Plevin retreats 5% less from Early Bird or Regular Registration.
Module for registration : https://forms.gle/6Lq8cFx4Qvm2YZiz8
To register fill in the form and mail to info@movimentocreativo.it Monetary bank tansfer of 70 euro is made out to : Associazione Movimento Creativo
IBAN: IT51J0306905066100000002419 – BIC/SWIFT : BCITITMM
For information and registration contact Marcia Plevin. marciaplevin@gmail.com
Last deadline for registration : July 30,2023
Course fees:
Offerta libera (+ 25 € Euros annual membership fee for non-members)
Register before:
Offerta libera (+ 15 € Mitgliedsbeitrag)
Unsere Kurse beginnen in der Regel am Abend des 1.Tages und enden nach dem Mittagessen des letzten Tages.
Melden Sie sich möglichst frühzeitig, aber auf jeden Fall vor dem Anmeldeschluss an.
Bitte beachten Sie auch, dass Online- oder telefonische Anmeldungen erst nach Zahlungseingang der Kursgebühr als verbindlich gelten.
Melden Sie sich zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt wieder ab, berechnen wir eine Bearbeitungsgebühr von 15 €.
Melden Sie sich erst 3 Tage vor Kursbeginn oder später ab, behalten wir die gesamte Kursgebühr ein.
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